Marrying Someone From Australia? Why Apply For Your Partner Visa Right Away

If you're engaged to be married and your fiance is from Australia, now's the time to apply for your partner visa. This is especially important if you plan to move to Australia with your fiance. You might think that you should wait until it's closer to the wedding to apply for your partner visa, but that's not the case. The sooner you apply for your visa, the sooner your application gets processed. Not only that, but if you wait too long, any delays could postpone your plans. If you're not sure why you need to apply for your partner visa right away, read the list provided below. You'll find three benefits you'll receive when you apply for your visa immediately. 

Receive Access to Healthcare

If you're moving to Australia to be with your fiance, you want to get medical coverage as soon as possible. After all, you never know when you might get sick or when you might get injured in an accident. One of the benefits of applying for your partner visa right away is that you get access to medical coverage. As soon as your visa application is accepted, you can get medical care through the Australian healthcare system. 

Avoid Additional Visa Payments

If you're going to get married, you need to apply for a partner visa. But if you plan to become a permanent citizen of Australia, you might think that you also need to apply for a temporary visa. When you do that, you need to pay two separate application fees. Don't pay for two visa applications. Apply for your partner visa when you apply for your permanent visa. That way you take care of your temporary visa and your permanent visa applications with the same fee. 

Apply for Employment Right Away

If you want to work as soon as you move to Australia, now's the time to apply for your partner visa. Many people like to work while they're planning their weddings. But without a visa, you can't work in Australia. That's where the partner visa application comes into the picture. Your partner visa application allows you to work in Australia right away. Once your partner visa application is processed, you'll get paperwork that allows you to start working. That means you won't need to wait to start earning money for your wedding. 

Don't play the long waiting game. Now that you're planning your wedding, take the time to apply for your partner visa
